We are closing the clinic

After much thought and some difficult considerations, we have decided to close the Inviocare clinic on Palægade a s of January 31, 2025.

It saddens us, but we must face the reality that it is challenging to uphold our standards of quality and aesthetics in such a highly competitive market.
We regret the impact this decision has and are truly sorry for it.

Get a 25 % discount on Botox and filler

Applies to all new customers on
1st treatment as well as for existing
customers at every 5th treatment
(Does not apply to exessive sweat treatments with Botox)

Permanent hair removal

Get your permanent
hair removal now

Prices from 250,-

Vascular sclerosis

Permanent removal of vascular ruptures

Prices from 1,800,-


Maintains skin health and brings an instant glow

Prices from 600,-

SkinPen - microneedling

Improved skin, using
micro-penetrations in the skin

Prices from 1,000,-


Make a loan for cosmetic treatments
without interest and fees

The future of aesthetics

Strengthens your looks
and restores your wellness


1 treatment – 4,000,-
3 treatments – 10,000,-

Meet our team

Get information about our talented and dedicated team at the Inviocare clinic.

Recognized cosmetic treatments at Inviocare

Inviocare is a specialist clinic that offers well-known cosmetic treatments with the safest, best and latest equipment on the market.
At Inviocare, consultations are always free and we offer the following treatments:

Go to about Inviocare

Inviocare is registered and approved by the Board of Patient Safety without remarks. This testifies to a high level of health education.

Get rid of your fat without surgery

Do you ever feel that even if you do all the right things, there are still areas of fat that will not disappear? It can be very frustrating! A CoolTech treatment can be the solution to the individual problem areas where you need help.

Without surgery and drastic methods, you can, for example, remove the love handles (flanks) so your body looks symmetrical and even more beautiful. With this treatment you can therefore have a healthy and slim look that suits you and looks absolutely natural.

Read more about CoolTech and see which areas we treat

Professional products

All our treatments and products are based on medical science. Developed on the basis of medical research, approved testing and final proof of effect, these treatments and products are your guarantee of a safe and effective beauty treatment – one you can enjoy the result of for a long time.

We work with a range of carefully selected international brands, such as Juverderm, Restylane, Botox, Reviv, ZO Skin Health, Ultherapy, Cynosure among others – all strong, recognised brands that provide clear results from beginning to end. You can support the results you gain in our clinic with our professional skin care products. Have a look in the webshop and ask your therapist which products best suit your needs.

Read about the ZO Skin Health products here

Reviews from Google

Isabel Ginnerup
Isabel Ginnerup
Jeg har fået lavet læber på Inviocare af flere af medarbejderne. Alle gange er jeg gået mere end tilfreds hjem! Sødeste personale og de flotteste resultater - en stor anbefaling herfra. Det eneste sted der må røre mit ansigt
Jasmine Kreinøe
Jasmine Kreinøe
Personalet har skabt et dejligt imødekommende og professionelt rum. Resultatet af mine læber er blevet som jeg drømte om, alt i god dialog med den dygtige faglærte. Kæmpe anbefaling herfra;)
Yeahmean Billesbølle
Yeahmean Billesbølle
Very Warm and hearth felt, I wish the people who gave me knowledge love and thanks <3
Sylwia Bodzon
Sylwia Bodzon
The staff is so incredibly friendly and kind - they make you feel welcome and at home from the get go. Katrine is such a sweetheart, I am always looking forward to my appointment with her!
Sofia C
Sofia C
God, dygtig, venlig og imødekommende personale. Meget god behandling, fyldt med empati og samvittighed. God information. 5/5 stjerner. Mvh Sofia.
Bedste sted, jeg har fået lavet læber. Der er nu gået en måned, og de ser bare så godt ud! Har før fået lavet læber, andre steder som på ingen måde, var lige så pænt lavet som hos Inviocare. Vil helt klart anbefale Inviocare, og kommer kun her fremover! 😁