
Do you have questions or wish to be contacted by us?

See frequently asked questions here

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Inviocare Clinic

Palægade 4, 3. th.
DK – 1261 Copenhagen K
CVR: 37231304

Phone: +45 51 88 15 34

Please only contact us outside our telephone hours concerning emergency inquiries.
Phone: +45 26 33 18 83

Opening hours:

Monday: 08.00-16.00
Tuesday: 08.00-20.00
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 09.00-20.00
Friday in even weeks: 08.00-15.00
Friday in odd weeks: 08.00-18.00
Saturday in odd weeks: 09.00-15.00


We refer to Jeudan car park at “Skuespilhuset”. Sankt Annæ Plads 32, 1250 Copenhagen K.